The Heat Index

What is hot in Phoenix? Find out right here at The Heat Index, written by me, Heather.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ok, I am over it.

I am over the big deal about the big storm. Why? Because I'm watching Channel 3, that's why! The obligatory "the friends. family and entire 'hood are cleaning up the downed tree in Old Man River's yard" story is on. The best part was Old Man River himself saying "God watches out for drunks, kids and veterans, and I'm all three so he watched out for me." Or something to that effect. That wasn't an exact quote. I was laughing to hard to get an exact quote for you. Forgive me. God was watching out for his drunk, immature veteran oldman-ness so the tree fell into his yard instead of his house. The Good Lord also blessed him with a pack of fine folks to help chop up his tree with chainsaws today simply because he is a drunk, immature veteran. This is news only in Phoenix, our nation's fifth largest city. It would never be news in those other top five cities! I feel like such a hick now for making a big deal about the storm in that last post.


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