The Heat Index

What is hot in Phoenix? Find out right here at The Heat Index, written by me, Heather.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A storm review

Like everyone else in the city, I can't stop talking about last night's storm! We had a deluge here in North Phoenix. I haven't seen a storm like that since moving back here six years ago. I have to say I haven't seen a ballbuster like that since the 1980's. This storm had the loudest thunder I have ever heard, the closest and most plentiful lightning I've ever seen, and the most wind and rain in a combination that had me amazed last night. I was watching from my back patio and then the front patio when I realized everyone else was on their patios too. The rain actually blew all the way into my apartment last night at one point, ending my open-door storm enjoyment policy. I really liked seeing that lightning! It was so close that it looked like it was in slow motion when it struck. I could see it looping and and twisting before my eyes in what felt like the longest seconds of my life. It was so cool! There was certainly a sizzle in the air.

As this is my sixteenth summer in Arizona, I am still in awe of monsoon rain. I've lived in the desert long enough now to be mesmerized by any rain. Since I don't have a pool to clean or branches to clean up because I'm an apartment dweller, I get to enjoy these storms even more!


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