The Heat Index

What is hot in Phoenix? Find out right here at The Heat Index, written by me, Heather.

Monday, April 10, 2006

No Jacket Required

I woke up this morning to the realization that it is simply too warm to sleep under a comforter. I already don't think twice about flipping the AC on at home. When I left for work this morning, I realized I could put all my jackets in the closet at this point. Those 100-degree days are just a month or so away! It was 87 yesterday afternoon on the thermometer at work. Since I know I'll be wearing less clothing until November, two things have to happen:

It's time to drop the winter/new relationship weight and it's also time to shop. I hate shopping. Another summer in Arizona, another trip to the mall to stock up on flip flops, cute sandals and tank tops. If I want to wear real clothes again, I'm going to have to go up north or leave Arizona for cooler spots. The annual countdown to that first 100-degree day can begin!

Sure, it will be hot but the best part about summer is everyone will leave. Goodbye snowbirds! Those old folks will be parking their trailers at Wal-Marts in cooler places from now on.

The second best part is that D-backs Opening Day is tomorrow! I hope this year will be better so that I will want to lay on my couch watching a game on TV while enjoying the canned air I breathe from April until November. Ah, summer. In total, this will be my sixteenth here. Just embrace if it you're new to Phoeninx. Drink two gallons of water every morning when you wake up and try not to move too fast.


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